Welcome little one! How can 11 weeks seem so long & so short all at the same time?! Welcome to the newborn baby bubble.
Darling A arrived in the world with perfect timing; two years ago his parents tied the knot (check out their wedding on Infused Studios). Life has been a whirlwind for J and E. They’ve been busy adjusting to parenthood while also searching for a new home in Calgary and enjoying the visits from family who come to see the newest addition to the family. Their nieces & nephews couldn’t wait to meet their newest cousin!
And what an adorable addition A is! When I peeked into his bassinet, he greeted me with a smile. His beautiful eyes gazed at me and his little giggles were simply heartwarming. As I slowly positioned my camera in front of him, his expression shifted to a more serious one 🤣.
Bubble tea is a favourite for the family & the look of excitement on A’s face watching Mommy take a sip was priceless! Clearly, he knows one day he’ll enjoy a bubble tea too. The warmth & familiarity of mommy cuddles quickly lulled A to sleep. Dad mentioned that it’s usually the opposite when he holds the baby; he’ll wake up & cry.
J + E, it has been such an honor to capture your wedding, maternity & now newborn. Thank you for trusting me with your precious memories. As you shared how quickly A has grown in the past few weeks and how his facial expressions change in the blink of an eye, I couldn’t help but reminisce about my own days with a newborn. J noted how he’ll be off to school and leaving the nest before she knows it, and she held him a little tighter.
Cherish the cuddles – they’ll change too as he grows, but they’ll continue being the best, even as he gets bigger!